Video Interviews: My Experience and Top Tips- Emily Finlayson

Emily Finlayson

Video interviews are now becoming more popular in the recruitment process, especially amongst large organisations. Employers find this a convenient, efficient and a time effective way of hiring, so it is critical to master the video interview stage. Overall, my experience of video interviews was very positive. I found it much more relaxing and stress free, due to being in the comfort of my own space and behind a screen. After completing lots of video interviews whilst applying for placements, the process became less daunting to me. Here are some of my top tips to succeed in a video interview.

Be Prepared

The first thing to consider before the interview is the platform it will be taking place on. For example, it could be Zoom or Microsoft Teams, and you must make sure that you can access this on your device. This may involve downloading the application or creating an account. Trying and testing this out is so important because it will make the process run smoothly and avoid any problems or disruptions on the day. A few other important checks are the charge of your device, your WiFi connection, as well as testing your camera and mic, to make sure they are working too. 

Look Presentable

Whilst the video interview is taking place, it is important that you look presentable on camera. Dress smart, as you would for an in-person interview. This comes across professional on screen and shows the employers that you would be fit for the workplace. The background of the video is another important consideration. Try to have a plain background, to avoid the video screen looking cluttered and messy. If your webcam shows an untidy background, it can be distracting and may create a bad impression of you to the recruiters. Also, make sure to smile and let your personality shine through, to give off positivity and enthusiasm for the job role.

Research the Company and Role

One of the most important activities to do prior to your video interview is to research the company of the role you are applying for. Make sure you know the basic background details, such as, how they work and the company values. This will provide you with context going into the interview, so you are already familiar with the organisational practices and procedures. This will demonstrate that you are keen, proactive and genuinely have an interest in the company, which will make you a more employable candidate. Researching the role is equally as important as researching the company. You must know the job role inside and out, including the specific tasks and responsibilities that are being asked of you. A good way to do this is to have your own examples to match each skill of the role, such as previous jobs, university modules or volunteering experience. Using this method provides evidence of what you have done in the past which encourages employers to give you credibility.    

Your Experience

Finally, you must be confident in your own experience and why you think you should get the role over other candidates. A very common question that I was asked in video interviews was something that didn’t go well in the past or something that went wrong. What employers really want to know is how you overcame the issue and learnt from it. Make sure that you demonstrate how you deal with mistakes and personally develop when this occurs. When preparing for video interviews, looking at what you have failed at is often neglected. So, definitely make sure that you prepare for this and particularly look at how you have progressed from the past. Ultimately, it is down to you to demonstrate that you are the best candidate to the hiring managers – make sure to believe in yourself and your own abilities, this is key to success and is so important to get across during video interviews.

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