Meet the Team – Jayne Reilly

We’d like to use this post as a massive welcome to Jayne to who has been in our team for a few weeks now! We’re very happy to have another hard-working individual in the team! Role: Placement Co ordinator  What did you study at University?Aston University- BSc Sociology with Placement Year. Nottingham Trent University- PgCert…

Petra Szollosyova #MyPlacementExperienceSoFar

I think it’s important to say that the placement experience starts when you begin to look into everything you need to do to secure a placement. You need to write your CV, understand what a cover letter is, research companies and reflect on your past experiences. The placement team helped me with the preparation of…

Manpreet Birk #MyPlacementExperienceSoFar

For anyone unsure about a placement, I will begin with saying don’t think twice about it. We have all heard about the benefits of completing a placement including building up your CV, working in a role you are interested in, putting your transferable skills into practice, building up a network and most importantly, potentially being…

Priya Dulai #MyPlacementExperienceSoFar

Just like starting any assignment, and even this blog, starting my placement search was the biggest step to overcome. Having not started my placement search until November of last year (procrastinating as we all do), I thought that securing a placement with a globally renowned organisation was almost impossible.  I found that this left me…

Chloe Houston #MyPlacementExperienceSoFar

Perseverance: persistence in doing something despite difficult or delay in achieving success. Perseverance: steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement. Perseverance: continued effort and determination. When I think about my journey of a placement year so far, perseverance always seems to spring…

Students visit Enterprise Rent-A-Car’s Paris headquarters to drive forward their careers

Students from De Montfort University Leicester (DMU) have been given a unique insight into the world of business on a visit to the Paris headquarters of Enterprise Rent-A-Car. Nine students spent three days in the French capital where they had a tour of Enterprise’s office, were given presentations by various members of staff and took…

‘Don’t Let These Common Interview Questions Trip You Up’

If you think the most common interview questions are often the most difficult to answer, then you’re not alone. More people trip up on things like “tell us about yourself” and “what is your biggest weakness?” than questions about their skills. That’s because the most common interview questions all have a subtext, explains Carla Harris,…